About Me

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Nothing much about me. I'm just a regular girl, studies in a regular school, do nothing but regular stuffs..BUT I AM MADLY OBSESSED WITH LEEHOM!!
(= welcome and stay as long as you want =)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've got you a name!

Hey hey~~
Seems like I've been visiting you very often nowadays.. Maybe I should give you a name..but what..?
For the time being, let's call you...Harty.. It can mean Hearty or Hati, which most of all means I'm talking to my heart..

Sorry, it may not be a good name, but I can't think of other names. So from now on, you're Harty.

Harty, now I noticed that, I'm not the only that visits you. Turns out that my parents and friends actually visit you once in a while. So you know what this means? I must be careful of what I say.

I'm in taiping now, and guess what? I'm going online in my aunt's house! First time, though. I'm only staying here for 3 nights, and I think I won't have any free time being here. I came here to EAT EAT EAT, SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP, SEW SEW SEW, READ READ READ. So I think there won't be any extra time for me to feel boring.

And you know what? Lately I'm so interested in reading novels! More than comics, can you believe that? But, my novels are still for teen readers, so most of my novels are written by Meg Cabot. I seem to like her books, especially the Mediator. I went to the book fest on thursday that day, hopefully to buy more books. But turns out that there were only a few books by Meg Cabot. So, I "sapu" what left there. You also won't believe how many Archie Comics there are there. When I saw it, my jaw dropped onto the floor, maybe even a few flies went inside it and I didn't notice. There were so many of them, AND ONLY RM5.90 EACH!! Plus, BUY 3 FOR THE PRICE OF 2!!! Of course, we bought 12 books. It's a really great bargain! Usually I bought 1 for RM11.90. Haha, I was soooooo damned happy!

Harty, I think were going bankrupt. You know why? Cause on that book fest, we spent RM300+ there. Then before that, I used a lot of money on a lot of things, food,clothes, blah blah blah...

And now, I have to buy MacBook. Money really is flowing away now. I try to stop spending so much, but seems like there are really a lot of things that I need to buy. *sighh*

Oh, I broke my record, by the way. I read a total of 6 books since Monday! And FYI, not comics. Novels. NOVELS!! With a capital "N"! I couldn't stop reading. Once I've finish one, I just go find another book to read. Oh man, how I wish I could do this with my school text books..

Reading actually is really fun. I feel like I'm the director, Harty.. The movie is projecting in my head,like I told you before. I can choose which actor/actress to be in my movie. Weird thing is, After reading Twilight, I wished I was a vampire (don't laugh). After reading Mediator, I wished I can see ghosts. After reading 1-800-WHERE-R-U, I wished I was struck by lightning. I know, WEIRD. But, anyone can dream right? Might as well dream some irregular dreams, after all, dreams ARE dreams, it doesn't have to come true, right?

So, Harty, I'm still in Taiping now. I've finished my friends' handphone bags and pencil case. I can't wait to give them on Tuesday. But, they aren't perfect. The bags, I mean. But, I really tried hard to make them. I hope my friends like it.

I feel weird. I feel weird giving you a name. Suddenly it seems like my writing style has changed. Like it's not ME writing these stuff. Maybe it's my heart. I'm just pouring out whatever my heart's thinking. Holiday's ending, school's restarting. Time passes so fast when you're having a blast. So, I gotta go. Bye~

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