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Nothing much about me. I'm just a regular girl, studies in a regular school, do nothing but regular stuffs..BUT I AM MADLY OBSESSED WITH LEEHOM!!
(= welcome and stay as long as you want =)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Was having chinese drums today and when I was resting, I saw the biggest "free" spider in my life, in the drain. It looked like a tarantula, but it wasn't as hairy as one. I'm not sure what species is that spider, but I know that isn't normally found in cities.

At first I thought it was some kind of leaf hanging in the drain, but then when I looked closer, it had a body and eight legs. To be sure, I asked 2 of the little kids, whether that's a spider or just my imagination. Turns out to be that is a real spider. My first reaction was shout "eyer!" then stand up and get away from there. The little boys, of course, were fascinated by the "awesome" spider. I don't know what happened next, but what I know is that I'm away from that creepy crawly.

Then not long later, the boys came over and told me that the spider is dead. They told me that a form 1 boy squashed it.

What the F*** is wrong with that boy? What, stepping on a innocent spider makes you popular? Stepping on a innocent spider makes you a hero? Does it even make people notice you? If you wanna seek attention, please do something better, and stop killing insects that aren't bothering you.

Whenever we see the news about human involved in accidents were squashed by the vehicles, we might think why is the God so cruel to let them die in such way. That's what insects think about us human. They didn't do anything to us, they were just minding their own business, then some kids come up and steps on you just for fun? Just for attention? Why not I try to step on you till your burst? Is that fun for you?

Insects have lives, too, and it's as precious as our lives.

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